Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 13, 2016 “God’s Prize”

March 13 (Communion Sunday) Isaiah 43.16-21, *Philippians 3.4b-14 “God’s Prize” Pastor Jacqueline Hines

You’ve heard the story of the young man who waited eagerly in a lawyer’s office for the reading of the will of his late uncle. [slide #1 waiting] Finally, the time came and the lawyer gave him, of all things, a bible. All his uncle had left him was a bible. He was infuriated. How could this be happening with all the wealth that his uncle had so wisely stored up throughout his life?
Years later, the young man grew wiser and finally opened the bible. [slide # 2 opening the bible] Inside were the keys to a new car and a check for a million dollars. The story proves once again that we cannot lose when we have the right attitude, when our eye is on what God says is most valuable.
The apostle Paul was no slouch. He was accomplished in every way. He took learning seriously, studying under the famous rabbi Gamaliel according to the book of Acts chapter 22. [slide # 3 rabbi] He traveled widely. Instead of the convenience of trains, buses, airplanes, and cruise ships, Paul and his first century companions traveled by way of high maintenance animals and hand-made ships. [slide # 4 ancient boat]
Paul was accustomed to a rough and rugged life. He was very strong physically. He was also strong-minded and strong-willed. He let nothing get in the way of his exercising the faith that he and his family had highly prized for generations. So often Paul used words like training, running, victory, and winning in order to teach early Christians how to live a Godly life.
In verse 14 of our reading today, Paul says, “ I press on towards the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.”
[slide # 5 I press on towards the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.]
Those of you who have pets know that they quickly learn when they are about to get a treat. As soon as they hear the bag of Kibbles and Bits rattling, they come running – for their prize. (rattle)
The spirit calls us, too. Throughout the day, we are prompted to taste and see, to do and hear, to speak and listen, to serve and pray. (rattle) If we understand that God’s word is a prize, then we come running to do God’s will, because God’s will is always something good. [slide # 6  when God calls your name]
God’s will does not always look like what we are hoping to see. The bible does not seem very interesting until we read it, study it, meditate on it, and pray about what it has to do with our life. There are times that God’s will is wrapped in a very dull cover. Getting to God’s may mean getting past a high risk situation. It may require longsuffering or facing circumstances that generate tremendous fear and disappointment in us. Nevertheless, God’s will is always something good.
A famous philosopher, physicist, and mathematician was basking in his glory when an admirer came up to him saying, “If I had your brains I would be a better person.” The philosopher had been known for his genius since he was a boy advised his admirer, “Be a better person and you will have my brains.” [slide # 7 be good]
Apostle Paul tells us of many attributes that most people in the word think of as a prize: he had a spotless reputation and an enviable ethnic heritage; spiritually, he was as dedicated as an Olympic champion. He endured greater strain and was more faithful under pressure than the average Christian.
We all have something that this world thinks is a real prize. It may be a nice retirement package and health benefits, a stable marriage, a gifted child, a pedigree or a doctorate degree.  Still, Paul reminds us that whatever great things we have – they are all rubbish when you compare them to having a good attitude, doing the right thing, gratefully carrying whatever cross is ours to carry, and living fully anticipating that our cross will become a crown of victory because of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. We can be confident that our mess takes on meaning. It becomes a message and brings forth the miracles that God intends for us.
The world wants to use us for our prizes. We find the word “used” in the middle of the word “abused.”  The world uses us, but God just wants to love us. [slide # 8 rose]
So when God calls us, let’s come running. For, there are prizes that we can claim only when we come running as God calls us. God is faithful and will provide something good. (rattle) [slide # 9 God provides] Amen.

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