“Run to the Tomb, Before the Cock Crows”
Pastor Hines
17, 2022
What a great day! We have made it to Easter. We have reached our
destination. It is a day to celebrate new life because we know that Jesus has
been raised from the dead. How can that possibly be? Some might ask. In John
Wesley’s sermon entitled On the Resurrection of the Dead he answers the
question saying. ‘Our God who forms us from mere dust of the earth is certainly
able to make us alive again from dust. God can distinguish and keep unmixed from all other bodies
the particular dust into which our several bodies are dissolved, and can gather
it together and join it again, how far so ever dispersed asunder. God can form
this dust, so gathered together, into the same body it was before. God is
infinite both in knowledge and power.’
Living in this
world, we experience things that we could never ever dream of. With our own
eyes, we have seen technological advances and medical miracles. At the same time,
we have seen unbelievably insane and evil behavior coming from humans. There
has been a cacophony of catastrophic weather and a virus that won’t let go. We
know, now more than ever, that anything is possible – good or evil. So when we
see that the tomb is empty, we believe it. When we hear that the disciples did
not believe Jesus when he said he would crucified, buried
and on the third
day he would rise again, we also understand that sometimes even the faithful
little faith.
Early in the
morning, while it is still dark, we can hear the footsteps of
the women coming to the tomb. We can smell the sweet fragrance of the pounds of
spices they carried. The blinding light
of the angels that greeted them catches our eyes too. That stone that was
sealed to guard the tomb may not have been moved by human hands but by holy angels.
We believe in miracles.
It is our faith in the resurrection
power of God that makes us run to the tomb. It is our faith in the resurrection
power of God that makes us sing Charles Wesley’s great hymn in the present
tense. Christ the Lord is Risen TODAY.
Earth and heaven in chorus say, Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high,
Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply,
2 Love's redeeming work is done,
Fought the fight, the battle won,
Death in vain forbids him rise,
Christ has opened paradise.
Yes. We have made
it to our Easter destination! But, getting here was quite a journey. At the
Last Supper Jesus washed the disciples feet. At that time,
Jesus asked Peter
three times, “Do you love me? If you do, feed my lambs, take care of my sheep,
feed my sheep. Peter declared his willingness to do all that was asked even to
the point of sacrificing his life for Jesus, but Jesus said, ‘not so fast
Peter, that’s a nice thought, but before the cock crows tomorrow morning, you
will disown me.’ Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves.
In spite of betraying Jesus, Peter would
be running to the tomb to see him. By the grace of God, Peter grew and became a
man of solid rock faith. Fifty days after the resurrection he was preaching
with boldness. Upon him the church was built. Max Lucado says that in just a
short time, Peter went from being a wimp to being a warrior. We too are
standing on that firm foundation called the Church and we have done so since
1869 (153 years). That is no small thing. We are a global church of many
ethnicities and nations, many languages, and many missions to the poor and
oppressed in places that cannot even be named for the protection of many who
are being persecuted.
The women knew
best of all that the journey from the cross to the tomb was about a mile. Many
travelers may have been nearly 100 miles from home for the Passover Holiday. But,
the distance from the cross to the resurrection was less than a mile, reminding
us that sometime death is not very far from resurrection. Either way, these
folk were like we are today. Sometimes their faith was very much alive. At
other times they had serious doubts and demanded a sign. They grew in love,
just as we do.
Years ago I read a
book that asserted that smokers trying to kick the habit relapsed an average of
five times before they were successful. Relapse is very much a part of
developing good behavior. As we pray, Jesus will speak to us the truth of our
limits, not to condemn us but to save us. If we continue following the path
that Jesus sets before us, if we continue growing, we will love Jesus so much that
we are willing to feed his lambs, take care of his sheep and even feed his
Every day we
journey toward Easter in order to be with Jesus. May we continue to run to the
tomb like all disciples and may we do so before the cock crows. Amen.
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