Why Me? – Pastor Hines
May 1, 2022
Even if we don’t deserve all the good we want, we still want it,
and if we don’t get it or we get something we don’t want, we still may ask,
“Why me? Why is it that what I want and long for is not happening. Why is the
opposite happening? Why me?”
On this Native American Ministries Sunday I ran into a book
recommended by a Native American called First White Frost. While there are many
heroes among Native Americans, the book tells of the failures and successes as
United Methodists worked to incorporate indigenous people into the church.
We’re learning to take care.
Our Conference is actively working to support all people,
especially those who need it most when they need it most. There is a Pow Wow in
Pottstown at the riverfront today (May
1) from 10-4. There are plenty of books, videos, and documentary that tell the
stories that connect us to one another when we are ready.
Here is one I heard this week. Haley Turning Heart has a linguistics degree from Dartmouth College, She created a
Yuchi language immersion school in 2018 that became a model and now draws
visitors from around the world. A lifelong United Methodist, she is a former
United Methodist Women’s president at Pickett Chapel in Oklahoma (an historic
Yuchi church), and a former member of the UMC’s General Commission on Religion
and Race (GCORR).
Language is important. When we spend
time in a place that does not speak the language we speak, we understand.
Ms.Turning Heart is a blessing to the church.
The Apostle Paul, whose Hebrew name was Saul and his Latin name
was Paul, was an important religious leader. He was an official member of the
Pharisees. Pharisees ruled in similar ways to Church Councils, making important
decisions regarding ongoing religious work and workers. Like our Councils and
Conferences, there were disagreements between the Pharisees and the Sadducees
who did not believe in the resurrection, that’s why they were sad you see.
All religious leaders and authorities have to exercise the utmost
care not to be the cause of the sufferings of others. Why? Because causes for
suffering are so intricately woven and biases so thoroughly baked into our
hearts and our organizations that it is worth the effort for all of us to
praise God every hour and repent every day. Doing so helps us to be careful and
avoid the results of carelessness and neglect.
I received a letter from Chester County that said the license
number on my voting ballot application did not match the Department of
Transportation and my ballot may not be counted. That letter gave me the
creeps. It was stressful. I want to be careful in how I react and respond as a
One of the oldest religious authorities is the Vatican in Rome led
by Pope Frances or Jorge Mario Bergoglio a Brazilian. He speaks seven
languages. He rules Vatican City. It’s the smallest state in the world with 110
or so acres and a population of 825. I was surprised to know that the Vatican
has three jail cells. One has a priest prisoner who was convicted of possessing
and sharing child pornography, just as
I was also surprised to hear someone say that many poor people
stand outside the Vatican, begging. The
Vatican is not responsible for all the needs of the world but hopefully, they
are doing what they are supposed to do with care.
Paul acted before he humbly prayed. Now we know it is important
to humble ourselves and pray before we act.
The answer to “Why me?” leads us to praise God every hour and repent
every day in order to ever so carefully discover and fulfill God’s purpose and
plan. May it be so today and always. Amen.