May 27 2018 “Come
Holy Spirit, Come: Send Us” *Isaiah 6.1-8, Romans 8.12-17 Jacqueline Hines
The prophet Isaiah records in the 6th chapter that
the King of Judah who reigned 700 years before Jesus was born in Judah, had
died. The year that King Uzziah died was like any other time when a prominent
leader dies. The whole world knew that things were about to change, and
everyone was watching and waiting and wondering what was going to happen next.
Uzziah had reigned for over 50 years and things had gone very
well. The military was stronger, food was plentiful, and there was a good
measure of peace and security in most communities. King Uzziah made his
mistakes along the way, but they were nothing compared to the great things that
had been accomplished by the grace of God.
Today, if we flip through all the editions of the 2018 Mercury,
we would see obituaries of the lives of well-known persons whose deaths have
changed our world. There are
names such as scientist Stephen Hawking, who studied the black hole and
relativity [slide # 1 Hawking], Dorothy Malone [slide # 2 Malone] an Oscar-winning actress,
Barbara Bush [slide # 3 Bush] former first lady, and Winnie
Mandela [slide # 4 Mandela] anti-apartheid activist. We
take notice of important people in our lives who die, and for years, we
remember how their lives mattered to us.
On the day that King Uzziah died, Isaiah, the prophet took a
special note of what a blessing he was, and he knew life could change drastically.
Isaiah was the king’s prophet. Now that Uzziah was gone, Isaiah must have
wondered if the next king would pay attention to his spiritual guidance.
Every king had a prophet, just like every U.S. president has a
Godly adviser like a Billy Graham, [slide # 5 Graham] like every U.S. senate has a chaplain like
the current chaplain Barry Black [slide # 6 Chaplain Black]
a retired Navy Rear Admiral and former Chief of Navy Chaplains.
Isaiah was God’s messenger of wisdom and comfort for king Uzziah
and on the day that the king died, Isaiah says he saw the Lord. The king was
gone, but with his spiritual eyes, Isaiah saw that the Lord was still on the
throne. Certainly, we take comfort in a loving God ruling and reigning over our
lives. We do not like everything that happens in this world, but the idea that
God’s ultimate purpose and plan is love and justice gives us a reason to keep
the faith. The idea that love never fails gives us strength to continue our
Isaiah saw three things in chapter 6 that we all must see if we
are going to survive when it seems that all is lost and terrible things are
about to happen. First, verse 1 says that Isaiah saw the Lord, high and lifted
up, sitting on a throne. We all need to see God for ourselves. We all need to
be aware of God’s presence. We may never have a dramatic or mystical experience
in our life, but we should all
see God constantly in the scriptures, or in the situations in our lives, or in
the lifestyle of someone who lets their little light shine.
If we cannot see God, we cannot follow. Without a vision, the
bible says we cannot live. Jesus also said, we cannot live by bread alone, we
need God’s word, through scripture or example or testimony. Otherwise, we
wither on the vine, that is, we bear no spiritual fruit - no love, no joy, no peace,
little patience, barely any kindness, hardly any goodness (generosity), we lack
faithfulness, and self-control is not in our vocabulary. We need to see God’s
word through scripture or example.
Isaiah, not only saw God on the day that King Uzziah died,
Isaiah says he saw the hem of
God’s robe, and it filled the temple. I like the New International Version that
says “…and the train of his
robe filled the temple.” [slide
# 7 the train of his robe….]. We
have seen trains worn by royalty and those with status and power. The world
just witnessed the very public wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
Meghan’s train was 16 feet long. [slide # 8 Markle’s wedding gown].
In this season of graduations, we see robes worn by those who
have earned positions of power that come with certain academic degrees. [slide # 9 putting on academic hood] Their dress
is also a version of a royal train. [slide # 10 gathered with academic hoods ]
Bishops, priests, preachers, and those in religious orders wear capes,
long and short to symbolize the wide reach of God’s presence and power. [slide # 11 cardinal robe] There have been linen, wools, furs, [slide # 12 fur stole] and silks that drape
around, and down and long and wide, signifying a certain position with God and
with God’s people. [slide
# 13 group of clerics]
St. Martin of Tours, is known as the military saint. [slide # 14 St. Martin of Tours]
He looked past the expense and luxury of his cape, that draped like a train to
represent his high status. St. Martin cut his cape with his military sword and
shared it with a beggar who had little to wear in the dead of winter. It is
good in our moments of celebration and luxury that we find a way to remember
those who are suffering.
Isaiah’s saw God as a ruler with status and power and we need to
see God in that way as well.
The second thing Isaiah sees that all of us need to see on our
faith journey is in verse 5. He sees where he falls short and he can admit it.
“I am a man of unclean lips, [
slide # 15 I am a man…] and I
dwell with a people of unclean lips.” Isaiah understands that there is at least
one place in his life where he needs God to help him and strengthen him if he
is going to go to the next spiritual level. Then he will be able to witness to
God’s power and love in at least that one area – whether it is great or small.
Thirdly, Isaiah sees the altar of God. Isaiah is so close to the
throne of God that he can feel the warmth of fire from the altar. In order to
get close to the throne of God, one must be able to take some heat, the heat of
confession and repentance, the heat of trials and tribulations. Isaiah is also close
enough to the altar to hear the angels known as cherubs. They are God’s front
line security guards, and they are singing praises to God, for praising God
protects us from many enemies. They cry “Holy, Holy, Holy.”
Isaiah can even see the second round of God’s security force,
the seraphim. The word “Seraphim” means “burning ones.” Seraphim are on fire
for God. The seraphim remind me of a story of a preacher who was on fire for
God. People would fill arenas and fields to listen his sermons. He was heard to
say, “I set myself on fire, and people come from miles around to watch me burn
with my passion for God.”
A seraph can be considered God’s closest source of security, the
highest order of angels. They were very close to the altar. They had access to
the fires of Heaven and, no doubt, the fires of hell. Bishop Tutu in his fight
against apartheid, would thank the world for their prayers and he reminded
everyone that their prayers were not in vain. He knew their prayers created a
wall of fire against the enemy. Prayer brings us as close to God as we can get.
Isaiah saw the seraphim flying down from that high and lofty
place, bringing a hot coal from God’s altar. They placed it on his lips. [slide # 16 seraphim with coal] The coal was so
hot it had to be carried with tongs, yet it was not too hot for his lips. Whatever
work God has to do in us may seem like it could damage or destroy us, but God
has the right amount of fire, the right timing and the right touch that can
free us of our sin and guilt.
Isaiah was able to see God for the great God that God is, admit
his weaknesses, and stand in the divine presence of God long enough to become
free of his sin and guilt. After all of that, Isaiah hears the voice of the
lord asking, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Isaiah was not hiding.
He spoke out, ‘Here am I; send me!’
It is not easy to listen to God’s voice, especially when you
know God wants something. After all, we are not really trying to listen to the
God who wants to intoxicate us so we will be forever under the influence and
control of the spirit of love, yielding what author Richard Foster names as the
places we find hardest to surrender to God: money, sex, and power!
We cannot answer God’s call us unless we see what Isaiah saw: A
Holy God who is high and lifted up, a God who loves us with a passionate fire, [slide # 17 fire of God’s love] and a God whose
altars are secured with many angels to serve us as we serve God. [slide 18 …don’t grow cold.] Amen. [slide # 19 William
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