Tuesday, December 26, 2017

December 24 2017 Christmas Angel 8 30 and 10 45 a.m. services

December 24    “Christmas Angel” Luke 1.26-38  Pastor Jacqueline Hines
There are so many angels in the bible. Thirty four of the Bible’s books are said to have angels. Angels always come with breaking news [slide # 1 breaking news] to help us move to the next spiritual level. We can imagine an angel coming to us, saying, “We interrupt your life with breaking news.” Then our ears perk up. How we respond depends on the nature of the news, of course.
In Exodus 3 the angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in flames of fire from a bush, [slide #  2 burning bush] saying ‘I’ve seen your misery and you are about to be delivered from slavery to freedom.’ After that angelic visitation, Moses decided to partner with God for the liberation of God’s people, who evidently were not in the biggest hurry to leave their current state of affairs.
An angel appeared to Jacob even though he had cheated his brother Esau out of his inheritance. He knew Esau was going to kill him, so Jacob ran for his life. He formed a caravan of all his family and his belongings – animals and all – and traveled out of sight to Bethel where he saw angels in his dream. They were going up and down a ladder to Heaven. [slide # 3 Jacob’s ladder] In Genesis 28 he heard God promising to bless him with land upon which to rest his feet and a wonderful family to surround him on that land. After seeing those angels, he pledged a tithe; he vowed to give God ten percent of his income.
In our text from Luke this morning, we read how as a young girl, Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel who told her just how special she was, in the same way that each and every one of us is special in some way or another. [slide # 4 Mary and Gabriel]
The angel told her the Lord was with her, and she was going to have a baby who was special in all the ways God designed him to be. After that conversation, she submitted her heart and soul to doing God’s will. She married a most wonderful and righteous man, and she became a great mother, faithfully following God’s plan all the way to the cross. [slide # 5 Mary at the cross with Jesus]
In Luke 2 there were shepherds living in a field when they heard that Jesus was born. It takes special skill to live in a field. It takes a special heart and special skill to take care of one animal much less several animals. [slide # 6 shepherds] Anna and Dorene and you folks who live with animals have what it takes to connect and care for God’s creatures.
In our vicinity, if there are people living in a field it is not because they are being dutiful shepherds. People living in fields, under bridges, in their cars, truck-stops, or hotels are not trying to be seen.
I learned recently that in Chester County there are over 500 persons who are homeless every night. [slide # 7 Hard times Hall] The average age is nine years old. Twenty-five percent are under age 17. The next level of homeless are ages 45 to 61. One organization has as a goal to end homelessness by 2022. [slide # 8 man with sign] They believe it is possible and when that long-expected day arrives, there will be a celebration.
Suddenly, the shepherds, who were living in the fields, heard a chorus of angels. The angels probably looked and acted like our Bethel choir, their halos were shining so bright, their voices ringing out to the glory of God. The angels told the shepherds that it was Jesus’ birthday, and they believed it, just like the choir stirs up our faith and we believe. The shepherds hurried off to Bethlehem to welcome the new born king which they had, no doubt, been expecting and preparing for all their lives. It was a part of their culture. The savior was finally here and they were so excited that the day had come.
Angels are messengers who bring breaking news that helps us take an important step in the right direction. Their words come as a special delivery [slide # 9 Fed Ex] whose arrival can be a pleasant surprise or a cause for concern. Most often special deliveries are expected and excitedly anticipated. Many of us order things on line or on the phone and when they arrive by mail, or delivery, or for pickup we usually get what we expect, and we get it in no time at all. Gone are the days when we would order something and read small print that says, “This takes 6-8 weeks to deliver.” There is even talk of drones [slide # 10 drones] delivering our purchases so that we can get them even faster. Speed is served slavishly, if not reverently. Fast is where it’s at. [slide # 11 Amazon]
Do you think there will come a time when one can speed up pregnancy to 9 days instead of nine months or the growing of asparagus to 3 days instead of 3 years?
Marketing is almost a religion these days. The competition for our dollars and our time is quite fierce and loyal. Corporations spend millions working to convince us to give up our cash; unfortunately they are not all above stealing, killing, and destroying in order to sell us a bill of goods.
Marketing can be a powerful magnet. [slide # 12 magnet ] We are drawn and tempted and easily persuaded to go mindlessly in various directions like a puppet. [ slide #  13 puppet]  
Once I bought a magazine and read it from cover to cover. I saw an ad on television for that same magazine and bought it again. The advertising drew me in, but evidently the contents did not match what I was really looking for. Such simple experiences remind us how easily we can be roped into certain ideas and how important it is to think and reflect about the choices we are inclined to make.
Marketing magnets draw because opposites attract. It is the same in relationships. As one counselor put it, sometimes we think we are in love when really the bump in one head fits perfectly into the dent in another head. It is not really love from above, but more like a falling in love – and falling is not usually a good thing. [slide # 14 falling ]
The evil of this world naturally seeks out the God in us, tugging, clinging, pushing, pulling, hoping to win us over. In the process, we may get stuck in an unholy rut, mired in the mayhem of mean mud, captured by some despicably cagy enemy – like a computer hacker or overseas financial scammer. When the time is right, that is when the fullness of time has come, God dispatches angels on our behalf to lead us to places that ultimately fulfill the deepest desires of our hearts. [slide # 15 angel on a bridge]
The story is told in Guidepost [slide # 16 Guidepost mag] of a 9 year old girl named *Rachel who was surrounded by guardian angels. She went into the hospital for surgery and when the doctor came out, he was not smiling. She had a tumor that they discovered had probably started growing in the fall.
The fall season was about the time her mother saw her in the back yard swing, transfixed, staring in space, looking up, her eyes wide and her mouth open.
She ran out to her daughter, thinking she’d had a seizure or something. But by the time she got out there, she was smiling. “Mommy,” she said. “I just saw an angel!”
A while later, it happened again. They were heading home, driving across a busy bridge. Rachel’s mother said, “I just happened to check the rearview mirror and saw her looking out the window with the same expression. “Rachel,” I said. “What are you looking at?”
“Can’t you see them?” Her eyes were wide with wonder. “See what, Sweetie?” “They’re everywhere. All around us.  Mommy!”
She described the angels as male beings with shining faces, wearing white robes with gold cords around their waists. “Not cords of cloth,” she carefully explained to me, “but real gold. And Mommy, their feet don’t touch the ground.”
I was in awe of the angelic visitations and grateful for the peace she said they brought her. But it also troubled me. What was going on? Why Rachel? Why now? She was a very special child, using her allowance to buy bibles for those who needed them and making prayer pillows to be sent out to the foreign mission field.
When I went in to get her after her treatment, she leaned close to me. “The angel came back,” she whispered. “He was there the whole time I was on the table, and this time he smiled at me. Then, when you opened the door, he left. Mommy, he was so comforting.”
That evening her cousin and inseparable best friend Katie, spent the night at our house. The two of them were upstairs in Rachel’s bedroom reading the Bible, and John and I had settled into the living room, when suddenly Katie came flying down the stairs, trembling with fear. All she could blurt out to us was, “Rachel!”
We raced up the stairs, dreading something terrible. When we got to her doorway, there Rachel was, transfixed like she’d been on the tree swing and in the car—wide-eyed and looking up, her mouth open.
Then our daughter turned toward us and began to cry. “Mommy and Daddy,” she said, “the angel said my name! He said it like no one’s ever said my name.”
Katie told us that she hadn’t seen the angel herself, but that she had started trembling when she felt the presence in the room.
When Rachel passed away, her mother was unbearably grief stricken and a little angry that Rachel’s healing did not happen on earth and that there were no angels around to comfort her like there were for her daughter. She could not even feel God’s presence, but the ladies of her church came to her house every Monday for two years to bring food, fellowship, help around the house and make sure she got some fresh air. Eventually, she decided that they, too, were angels sent by God.
Over half the bible talks about angels. If we think about it, we can probably find angel stories in over half of our lives. We are all just that special to our creator. Every angel knows us by name and we can hear the echoes through time of Gabriel saying in verse 30 “Do not be Afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.” Or as the Living Bible translation says, “30 “Don’t be frightened, Mary,…for God has decided to wonderfully bless you!” [slide # 17 Do  not be afraid….]
God speaks to each and every one of us. All of us are special. So when God interrupts our lives with breaking news in order to bless us in ways that are out of this world, may we hear in our hearts an angel say, “Do not be afraid, for God has decided to wonderfully bless you.”  
On our way to Christ being born again in our lives this Christmas, may we find bigger ears for listening and hearts open wide enough to receive God’s great love for each of us. Amen. [slide # 18 Merry Christmas]

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