Sunday, December 11, 2016

"Reflections" November 20, 2016

November 20th 2016 Reflections

Joy to the World
Reflection – In this life, some days are more filled with joy than others. The ancient world was a political world, so it was a big deal when a king was crowned. Today it is a big deal when a mayor is elected, or a governor, or a president. Our elected officials can bring us joy and they can bring us sorrow.
Every day the news is showing that politicians are bringing joy and some are bringing sorrow.
I met with a group of Methodist preachers in our Conference this week. We discussed the election. Some were silent. Some cried. Some expressed great sadness and some left the room too angry to speak. They talked about members of their church who were afraid of what has been happening in the last few weeks. There have been over 400 acts of racial hostility in the last few weeks. One incident occurred in our Methodist college Albright College in Reading and another in a Methodist youth group in North Carolina.
We preachers understood that in order to be able to sing Joy to the World, we must do what verse 2 tells us to do. No more let sins and sorrows grow, nor thorns infest the ground, he comes to make his blessings flow far as the curse is found, far as the curse is found.
God is always speaking to us of ways to resist evil, to alleviate the curse of evil in our lives, to quench sin wherever we can and to be a part of making God’s blessings flow! Scripture tells us in the book of Nehemiah verse 8 that that the joy of the Lord is our strength. [ slide #1 The joy…strength]  Whether our government makes us feel sad or makes us want to celebrate, it is the joy of flowing blessings that keeps us strong.

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
This song calls us to do what Habakkuk 2.20 says The Lord is in his holy temple, let all the earth keep silent before him or the Psalmist, quoting God as saying be still and know that I am God. Or in Ecclesiastes 3.7 There is a time to be silent and a time to speak.
I will never forget the day I was getting ready for the day, standing at the sink, thinking about how ridiculous a certain person was. I began to chuckle. I do not remember who or what I was thinking about, but I do remember a sense of the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart, saying, “Stop laughing.”  I was jolted into a serious mode and realized that all of us are God’s children and no parent – not even God - is going to sit still while anyone laughs at their child. Laughing with them is one thing. Laughing at them is another. [slide # 2  stop laughing ]
In God’s presence and in the presence of all God’s children, there are moments that we best keep quiet. That brings to mind Isaiah 30.15 which says in quietness and confidence is our strength!

Angels We Have Heard on High
It seems to me that every human being hears from Heaven. In one way or another, it has been my experience that everyone has had an experience with angels, or a dream that gave Godly direction, or some divine intervention or an encounter with the mysterious. Even those who are atheists or practice no religion have heard from Heaven. [slide # 3 angel on bridge]
It also seems apparent that the more we listen, the more we hear. The less we listen, the less we hear. If we seek, we shall find. If we knock the door will be opened to us. That does not mean that we will understand everything we hear. Sometimes we may even misunderstand or may need an explanation or a repetition of what we hear. Sometime we will not appreciate what we hear or even wish we did not hear.
We are most blessed when we are hungry to hear from Heaven, and I do mean hungry!

What Child Is This

It is hard to think of Jesus as a child, as human. We have painted him and sculpted him. We have symbolized him and we have known him as bigger than life and we have worshipped him as our God. So it is not a simple thing to see Jesus as a humble human being, a vulnerable baby with needs and wants. [slide # 4 Jesus with angel]
The best way to understand the humanity and weakness of Jesus is to see Jesus in everyone we meet. Every breath every human being takes is a breath from Heaven. Every move they make is by the grace and mercy of God. So if we see Jesus in everyone we meet, we understand what Jesus needs and wants. If we behold each person as precious and divinely inspired, if we humble ourselves in their presence and in that instant worship the God who create all of us, we will have little time and energy for rejecting and arguing and oppressing. If we look into the eyes of our neighbors, our friends, our family and see Jesus and praise the Lord, we will see a light that leads to unity, harmony, diversity, forgiveness, reconciliation, liberty and justice for all. [slide # 5 liberty and justice] Amen.

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