Friday, December 30, 2016

December 25 2016 Born Again- Beautiful

December 25 “Born Again – Beautiful”   *Isaiah 52.7-10, John 1.1-14 Pastor Jacqueline Hines
It’s Christmas Day. Throughout the season we have had high hopes and great expectations everywhere in our lives. We anticipated joy-filled gatherings, [slide # 1 excited crowd]  awe-inspiring music, [slide # 2 musicians in choir] [slide # 3 musicians with strings] and refreshing family reunions. [slide # 4 family dinner]
No doubt, we found plenty of bargains [slide # 5 shopping crowd] and surprises that touched our hearts, [slide # 6 children] and the day is not quite over. Famous films, royal feasts and special phone calls are no doubt waiting in the wings for us. Christmas is a beautiful time of year.
But, the joy of Christmas did not just happen when Jesus came on the scene. [slide # 7 Jesus in manger] The joy of Christmas happened because we received him as king. We created a culture that acknowledges his royal highness. [slide # 8 king Jesus] We accepted the gift that God gave because God so loved the world.
The prophet Isaiah captures the essence of Christmas in verse 7: [slide # 9 verse 7] How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’
The joy of Christmas comes whenever someone brings good news that makes for peace. Peace makes for a beautiful Christmas!
As word spread of the birth of our savior, Christmas celebrations gradually became more public and more meaningful. Now we celebrate Christmas around the whole world.
One historian suggests that Americans began to really celebrate Christmas in the 1800’s. It was originally described as a “raucous carnival holiday.”  There seemed to be a great deal of tension between the haves and the have nots. Unemployment was high and gangs were rioting. In 1828 the New York City police department was formed. That period of time brings to mind some of the New Orleans celebrations of Mardi gras. Some are known to be very rowdy and the negative influence of alcohol is found in abundance. 
In the 1800’s it took social media to turn things around in America. A best-selling author named Washington Irving [slide # 9 Irving photo] began to write a series of short stories that penetrated the consciousness of the middle class.  He is famous for writing "Rip Van Winkle” and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" with that famous character, the headless horseman.
But the stories he wrote about Christmas remind me of modern television series like Downton Abbey that are sweet and intriguing. Washington Irving’s’ series of Christmas stories featured Christmas in an English manor house. A squire – landowner, big wheel - invited the peasants into his home for the holiday. “In contrast to the problems faced in American society, the two groups mingled effortlessly. In Irving’s mind, Christmas should be a peaceful, warm-hearted holiday bringing groups together across lines of wealth or social status.”
The peace Irving imagined in his stories are said to have influenced the development of peace in America! Christmas is beautiful when it is peaceful, and it is peaceful and peace comes when we allow Jesus to be born again and again in our hearts.
You may have read Our Daily Bread this week telling of 15 year old Kim Chin-Kyung who enthusiastically joined the South Korean army to defend his homeland when war broke out in 1950. “He soon found, however, that he wasn’t ready for the horrors of combat. As young friends died around him, he begged God for his life and promised that, if allowed to live, he would learn to love his enemies.
Sixty-five years later, after being one of the 17 survivors of 800 fighters and a political prisoner, Dr. Kim [slide # 11 Dr. Kim] had spent decades caring for orphans and assisting in the education of North Korean and Chinese young people. Bringing that level of peace makes for a beautiful Christmas.
As Isaiah says, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, [slide # 12 peace dove] who brings good news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’

By the grace of our God, may we always follow a way that builds peace and makes Christmas beautiful. [slide # 13 people holding hands] Amen. [slide # 14 man meditating]

December 24 2016 Why Not A Virgin Birth?

December 24 2016 Christmas Eve Why not a Virgin Birth? Pastor Jacqueline Hines

Our world is ever changing. Nothing stays the same, especially in our technological age. For example, as a little child climbed onto Santa’s lap, Santa asked the usual question, “And what would you like for Christmas?” The child stared at him open mouthed and horrified for a minute, then gasped: [slide # 1 Santa and child] “Santa, didn’t you met my E-mail?”
Our children are most often the beneficiaries of changes that happen in this world as well they should be. We want them to be better off than we had it. We are eager to see them fly high, [slide # 2 eagle] advancing and improving on the good things that we pass on to them.
Children and youth amaze us with their ability to adopt new changes that others resist or find too confusing to enjoy.
There is a commercial about something called Galaxy that you put over your eyes. Those wearing the Galaxy have a very dramatic and exciting experience, so much so that they jump out of their seats, or scream, or laugh until they cry. There is no end to devices that are new and different and were unimaginable just a few years ago.
All throughout life we find things that are new to us, or different from what we have always known. All throughout our lives we encounter something that we would have never imagined. [slide # 3 man high in air]
Even what is common and ordinary in our lives is beyond our understanding. A baby is born and we cannot fathom the intricacies of nature versus nurture. [slide # 4 baby]A saint breathes a final breath and their life leaves a mere pinhole view of Paradise.  [slide # 5 stairs to heaven]
Our understanding of the moon, the stars, and the ocean are inscrutable. [slide # 6 moon, ocean, stars] Seedtime and harvest are uncontrollable. [slide # 7 farm] So much in life happens without our consent, and our knowledge barely scratches the surface. So, there is no reason we cannot also accept a virgin birth as Matthew tells us in his very first chapter:

[slide # 8 ] Matthew 1:18-25 18 Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah* took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. 
There is a gospel song that says, “God specializes in things that seem impossible.” With all the marvels happening in front of our eyes, why not a virgin birth? The laws of nature are proven, yet we witnesses to the fact that there are exceptions to every rule. There are things that are strictly in God’s hands. [slide #9 in God’s hands]
A very intelligent man took a good look at the human body and told God, “I can make that.” He bent down and picked up a hand full of dirt, and God said, “Uh Uh…get your own dirt.”
No matter which way we turn, we cannot escape the fact that there is more to life than we can make of it. So why not believe in a virgin birth? Why not expect a miracle instead of your mess, even if it is a messy miracle? Why not pray and labor in love and talk to God every day until you get an answer? [slide # 10 praying man]
There are after all at least 4 answers to prayer: # 1 God says yes, of course; #2 God says no – no way; # 3 God says maybe –depending upon whether you do your part; and # 4 God says you must wait – because someone needs more time to build strength, or courage, or forgiveness, or repentance or understanding.

Let this be the evening that you [slide # 11 reaching toward Heaven] reach toward Heaven and look for your biggest dreams to come true with divine intervention. Let this be the Christmas you begin praying for healing and hope without stopping until you hear God answer. Let this be the year that you resolve to follow the one, born of a virgin, and discover how to take care of yourself, your family and your neighbors as God guides you in ways that are new, and different, and unimaginable. [slide # 12 underwater dance] Why not? Amen.

December 18 2016 Showing Up For Christ On Christmas

December 18 2016 Matthew 1.18-25 “Showing Up for Christ at Christmas” Pastor Jacqueline Hines

Whenever Christmas is on a Sunday, churches wonder if anyone at all will show up. After all, it’s Christmas, a time to be tucked away in the privacy of one’s home enjoying family traditions. [slide # 1 stockings fireplace]
Nevertheless, Christians always show up for Christ at Christmas as the gospel of Matthew reveals. [slide # 2 Gospel of Matthew] Even if we do not go to church, [slide # 3 Ghanians entering church]we still need to show up for Christmas. [slide # 4 Three wise men on camels] For, showing up for Christmas does not necessarily mean showing up in church. What showing up for Christmas does mean is seeing the newborn king in every soul we meet. [slide # 5 child looking up] It means giving and serving as if everyone were royalty. It means living like we are grateful and loved by God and each other. [slide # 6 love gratitude]
Matthew shows us who showed up for Christ on Christmas. The Holy Spirit showed up for Christmas. [slide # 7 Holy Spirit] That is a wonder; the Holy Spirit showed up for Christmas! It was not the spirit of divisiveness, selfishness, [slide # 8 frowny face] rebelliousness, unkindness or mean spiritedness. It was the Holy Spirit ready to do God’s will. If we show up for Christmas, we show up ready to do God’s will and to teach by a holy example. That is why the Holy Spirit showed up, and that is what we can do if we are going to show up for Christmas. [slide # 9 let God]
Mary showed up for Christmas. This young girl, all grown up was of the age to meet a fine young man. He would be her provider and she would hold him in high esteem within their community. [slide # 10 Mary and Joseph] They would love, honor, and respect each other for the rest of their lives, in spite of being two distinct personalities. After all, their goal was not to think alike, it was to think together. By the grace of God they could grow to understand that marriage is not 50-50. Divorce is 50-50. Marriage has to be 100 and 100 because you have to give it all. They could do this only if both of them relied on God’s supernatural power. [slide # 11 wedding rings on bible]
Mary showed up for Christmas with a romantic dream in her heart and a baby, though she could not explain where she got it. Everyone in the world had an idea of where this baby came from, but as is often the case, some situations are so deep and mystical that they are beyond explanation. In fact, most things in life are deep and mystical, and some things are deeper than others.
The bottom line is God knows and God cares. God never leaves us alone, and never forsakes us, never.  [slide # 12 Joseph with Mary on donkey]
Like Mary, we can show up for Christmas with anything growing inside the womb of our expectations, especially those situations that are misunderstood and too deep for words. [slide # 13 at the feet of Jesus]
Joseph also showed up for Christmas. Joseph was a manly man, [slide # 14 carpenter Joseph and Jesus] but most importantly, Joseph was a Godly man. He had Godly respect for his fiancé. He had no devilish desire to hurt her. He was not mad at her when she showed up, apparently having shared her love with another. He did not know of her love for God who is always the third wheel in every marriage, for better or for worse. [slide # 15 God’s vision…]
Joseph would grow to honor and hear the heart of Mary and God which made him a wonderful family man. Like Joseph, when we show up for Christmas we are being good leaders.
Matthew the gospel writer acted like a reputable journalist when he showed up for Christmas, telling the story of the savior of the world born in Bethlehem.
Stories are important. There is the story of a small community in the Pacific who shared the story from one family to another, again and again of a day when they heard the sound of rushing waters. [slide # 16 wall of water] It was a tsunami coming their way and they escaped the floods.
The story was told so many times that it became well-known among the people. Decades later, when another tsunami occurred, they   knew the sound and the signs and could protect themselves from danger. They were saved. It is good that Matthew showed up for Christmas with the story of one who could save them. Surely, we all have something from time to time from which we need to be saved, and we have a savior.
Most central to the Christmas season is the angel that showed up for Christmas in Joseph’s dream. [slide # 17 angel] The angel brought Joseph a message that was special and specific and personal. He heard God loud and clear. The message gave clarity during this time when he was doubled over in grief and caught up in Christmas confusion. [slide # 18 drama]
What a gift it is to hear God at any time. [slide # 19 hearing God] It is good to hear God when we are experiencing chaos. It is also good to hear God when things are going well. When we are ready to listen, we will surely hear God’s message to us. We will hear deep truths that will set us free, [slide # 20 dove… truth] calm us down, and illuminate our paths. We will hear clear help that will hinder the wickedness in our life.
Joseph heard and he listened and instead of using all the excuses he could come up with not to marry Mary, he obeyed the angel in his dream and did marry her and their marriage was a blessing to the world as God intends for all relationships. [slide # 21 …blessings come down]
We are urged to show up for Christ on Christmas. [slide # 22 cross at church door] We can show up like an angel speaking in a Godly voice. We can show up with a life-changing, life-saving story like Matthew. We can show up with a dream and a righteous life like Joseph or with a ready womb like Mary.
For God’s sake, let us show up for Christ at Christmas ready to be inspired by a spirit that is nothing less than holy! [slide # 23 puppy with earphones] Amen. [slide # 24 made to praise]

Sunday, December 11, 2016

“Born Again – Glad” *Isaiah 35.1-10 December 11, 2016

December 11, 2016 “Born Again – Glad” *Isaiah 35.1-10, Matthew 11.2-11 Pastor Jacqueline Hines
The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, [slide # 1 wilderness] says the prophet Isaiah in the beginning of chapter 35. This is a beautiful passage. It is a very poetic passage whose words make our heart sing and puts our minds at peace. The images and ideas are very nurturing to our souls.
That is the job of the prophet according to the bible. The prophet’s purpose is to bring comfort [slide # 2 comforting hug] and consolation and encouragement. Every now and then encouragement may even come in the form of a big boost or maybe a little “boot. In any case, every one of us has a bit of a prophet in our souls. It is no surprise when the Spirit uses us to bring comfort, consolation, and encouragement to one or to many. Mark Batterson [slide # 3 Mark Batterson] author of 40 Days of Prayer affirms that every one of us becomes a prophet when we are in the habit of praying. At the same time, he says life without prayer can make life pathetic.
In bible study this week we went around and made a note of Isaiah’s verses that stood out strongest in our minds. [slide # 4 bible and light] From this abundance of words they pulled out verse 3 where Isaiah says weak hands will be strengthened and unsteady knees supported, [slide # 5 walker] verse 4 telling of God coming with vengeance, [slide # 6 vengeance, gavel] verse 6 waters springing in the desert [slide # 7 desert water] and streams in the wilderness. [slide #8 wilderness water]
The purpose of Isaiah’s joyous images of peace and power is to motivate us as we continue [slide # 9 backpacker on path] our journey of faith no matter what difficulties challenge us or pleasures distract us.
It is amazing how poetry and beauty and laughter and praise and thanksgiving and countless other wonders can transform [slide # 10 changes] us into human beings and diminish our savage instincts, just like a butterfly emerges out of its cocoon. [Slide # 11 butterfly]
When we take the high road we are lifted to a better place. [slide # 12 shoulder ride] Isaiah wrote wonderful words to a weary people. Are you weary today? Is something wearing you down? As the songwriter says, “Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.” Come ye disconsolate wherever you languish. Come to the mercy seat. Fervently kneel. Here bring your wounded hearts, [slide # 13 wounded heart] here tell your anguish; Earth has no sorrow that heav’n cannot heal. [slide # 14 Heaven’s gates]
Just as we look to Isaiah [slide # 15 book of Isaiah] and other scriptures to lift us up, we can look [slide # 16 binoculars] wherever we find holy comfort, wise consolation, blessed encouragement, pure laughter, righteous beauty, and wherever there is praise and thanksgiving to God. [slide # 17 arms raised praising]
This season for Bethel is especially appreciated because of the awesome beauty of the light [slide # 18 candles] and the love that the decorations have brought us. They truly glorify God. [slide # 19 God glorified] Truly! God is pleased when we make something beautiful. God is pleased when it is over-the-top beautiful because God has made us over-the-top beautiful inside and out. God knows that over-the-top beautiful transforms us in wonderful ways. [slide # 20 blue butterfly]
You may get chills down your spine and a smile on your face when you remember our family Christmas party last week, or the meal that is planned for a special community this week, or the dozens of meals prepared for those who are homebound and unable to cook on their own for one reason or another. There is beauty in feeding those who, though their primary need is not food, can definitely be nurtured by the fellowship. Just like a picture is worth a thousand words, a gift as small [slide # 21 small gifts] as a meal can reflect a thousand hugs. [slide # 22 Jesus’ hug] That is why Christmas will always be our time for giving!
The first Christmas was not the happiest. Even today, some lawyers call the Monday after Christmas, D-Day, Divorce Day as some families mark the end of their relationships. It does not matter what our situation, beauty and poetry and laughter and praises to God prime the pump and allow rivers of peace and joy to flow into our lives. [slide # 23 jumping for joy]
Have you ever sung yourself happy!! I remember my friend as a young woman who suddenly lost her Godmother. She was the type to talk out loud to God and lift her hands in prayer and praise. It was her custom and her culture. She went privately into a corner and began to pour out her sadness to God. She was not aware that I saw her. She lifted her hands and began to thank God, [slide # 24 dancing in the spirit] then praise God, then danced with all deliberation as the tears of sorrow continued to flow. It was clear that she was flowing in the rivers of God’s peace and comfort. It happened for my friend just as Isaiah prophesied.
354Say to those who are of a fearful heart, “Be strong, do not fear! Here is your God. He will come with vengeance, with terrible recompense. He will come and save you.”
5Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; 6then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the speechless sing for joy. For waters shall break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert; 7the burning sand shall become a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of water; the haunt of jackals shall become a swamp, the grass shall become reeds and rushes. 8A highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Holy Way; the unclean shall not travel on it, but it shall be for God’s people; no traveler, not even fools, shall go astray. 9No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast come up on it; they shall not be found there, but the redeemed shall walk there. 10And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. Isaiah was right then and he is right today.

May it also be so in our lives forever! [slide # 25 trust God ] Amen.

“Born Again – Safe” *Isaiah 11.1-10 December 4, 2016

December 4  2016 “Born Again – Safe” *Isaiah 11.1-10 Mathew 3.1-12 Pastor Jacqueline Hines

We continue our Advent season with words from the prophet Isaiah. He is speaking to a world that longs for peace and safety, [slide # 1 dove of peace] even while many choose violence. We are to find comfort in Isaiah’s reference to the new life found in roots and shoots and branches of a tree that has been cut down and is now only a stump called Jesse. [Slide # 2 Verse 1]
Jesse is listed in Matthew chapter 1 as part of Jesus’ family tree. [Slide # 3 stump ] Jesse was the father of King David of the royal city of Jerusalem – the city of God. Jesse goes back about 28 generations before Jesus. [slide # 4 genealogy list ]
Violent lifestyles rather than a determination to participate in a [slide # 5 Kinder, gentler] kinder, gentler nation created an ugly spiritual atmosphere in Israel, generation after generation. Creating an unholy atmosphere, [slide #  6 garbage] cut them off from God and made it easy for the Babylonians to plunder Jerusalem and destroy Solomon’s beautiful temple nearly 586 years before the birth of Jesus, just as the prophets predicted.
In this world we can do anything we are big and bad enough to do, but there is always a price to be paid. We can ignore the small evils and injustices, but, sadly, if we forget to pay attention to the details, trouble will follow. While growing up, my father would take note of any five of us who got out of hand. He would chuckle and say to my mother, “Anna, we’ve created a monster.”
We cannot control every aspect of our life or the life of our loved ones and neighbors. We cannot live life perfectly, but we must take [slide # 7 keep calm] the responsibility that is ours to nurture the opportunities God gives us. Every day is a new day, born again [slide # 8 …born again] with new opportunities to bring forth some good.
How does God decide to allow a stump that has been cut down to grow roots and produce branches again? [ slide # 9 man and stump] Amazing wonders happen in spite of incredible odds. We see flowers blooming in the dessert and trees bursting through concrete. We see arrogant people repenting – turning around in order to right a wrong. We see the church thriving and prospering when other businesses are breathing their last.   How does God decide to allow that which is cut down to grow again? [slide # 10 green bud]
History shows us that God works in the hearts and minds and wills of humans. We saw the collapse of apartheid, the falling down of the German wall, the end of segregation, and the turning of a tide that persecutes people for their sexual orientation. [slide # 11 scales of justice]
When God looks at us, God sees us as marvelous, precious, and beautiful. In each of us are the wonderful seeds of greatness passed down from generation to generation. [Slide # 12 wonderfully made….] The mysteries of life are unfolded in each of our hearts. Even when we cannot seem to get ourselves together, God is still good to us. God is still working and growing great things in us so that we can know that God is our source of the peace and safety we so desperately need.
Even when our lives, our family, our country seems cut off and cut down [slide # 13 man on knees] we have the hope of new life and we can grow into something great as a person, as a family, as a country. Some of us know what it is to be cut off, yet the Lord has helped us overcome great trials. We have lost loved ones but the Lord has been our companion. We have been betrayed, cheated, ignored, but the Lord has provided in abundance. We have suffered and the Lord has been our comfort, holding our hand in the midnight hour.
The world may choose violence and death, but we, the children of the Almighty are made safe because the seeds of greatness within us are always producing life that leads to peace and safety. [slide # 14 seeds of greatness] It is within us to be motivated and driven by the Spirits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Having the spiritual strength to forgive, to reconcile, and to use our talents and our gifts creates a more peaceful and safe environment within and without. [slide # 15 safe place]
We all have the potential to grow as powerful as the ancient prophets, speaking life, living life in ways that create life where life has been cut off.
My family has its share of good news. When we gather there is always laughter and encouragement. At the same, when I get with them on the   phone or on Facebook, I hear the back stories and the incredible contradictions to our wholeness. When negative predictions of the future come to my mind, I remember that there is power in prayer that creates the future. Praying Christians [slide # 16 praying] do not have to stand by helplessly and watch a situation being propelled by a self-fulfilling prophecy. We do not have to just let things happen; we can pray and get God’s wisdom to make things happen even when things seem impossible as Mark Batterson New York Times best-selling author of the 40 Day prayer Challenge reminds us.
It takes spiritual strength to stay alive and grow. If you have ever had surgery, you know that your doctor will not allow you to just go under the knife. You have to have some readiness and strength. When I was in college, I had reluctantly signed papers for my dentist to extract a tooth. He lined up all his tools and instructed me to say, “Ah.” But, he wisely, noticed that a tear had begun to stream down my face and he stopped the procedure. He knew I was not ready. [Slide # 17 ready?]
But, we are ready. We are ready to invite others to church, knowing that 80% of new members come – not to hear this wonderful choir or my great sermons. They come because you invite them. A warm, sincere invitation goes a long, long way in this world. We are ready to serve, not because we have nothing better to do, but because we want to keep the body of Christ strong enough to take care of itself as well as minister to the needs of others. We are ready to trust and obey the voice of God. We are ready to let go and let God handle our sins and weaknesses because we know that if we cling to sin, our heart will become hard and if our heart is hard toward God, we will become spiritually hard of hearing, too.
We are ready to experience in our own lives the sense of safety that Isaiah shows us in verse : 6The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them…. [slide # 18 verse 6 wolf…]  [slide # 19 lion and lamb]
When we intentionally, conscientiously and deliberately decide to lock arms and work together, synchronizing, harmonizing, uniting, agreeing to be one body, cherishing one another, knowing diversity makes us stronger, then all things are possible as the kingdom comes. [slide # 20 unity holding hands] Peace and safety will grow from generation to generation, despite the odds.
The world may choose division and devilment, but we have the power to build up what is torn down and to mend what is broken. May it be so for us always. May the seeds of goodness and greatness give birth in us again and again in our lives that we may know what it is to grow safe in the arms of Jesus.  [slide # 21 I died for you] May we trust God to change ourselves and our world until it is a safe place to be. [slide # 22 winner on red tape]. Amen  [Slide # 23 dove]