January 4 Isaiah 60.1-6, *Matthew 2.1-12 Jesus – A Secret
Revealed (Jesus is revealed as the Messiah) Pastor Jacqueline Hines
The wise men coming from the East must have been a very
impressive group of travelers from afar. [ # 1 blue
manger ]
One has to wonder if they drove camels as lofty as limousines. Did they dress like dignitaries in pressed
suits and designer dresses who were accustomed to being wined and dined? What was
it about these people that caused King Herod and all of Jerusalem with him to
be afraid? Why did anyone in Jerusalem even care about some strangers asking the
simple question: “Where is the child
who has been born king
of the Jews?”
We know that even babies can be significant in the world of
politics. [ #2 Kate Middleton]. Babies matter
when they are in the ruling class. Rulers of every age and station matter to
someone somewhere [ #3 Pope Francis] [ # 4 Hitler] [#5 Obama] And someone somewhere is likely
to be afraid, threatened, willing to fight, even to kill in order to avoid being
ruled by a certain ruler.
In spite of all the political carrying ons in this world, let
the wise men, whoever they were and whatever they looked like, remind us that if
God is not the ruler of our hearts and homes, it is not we who are the ones in
control. If we don’t surrender to the holy, we surrender to the unholy. What
else is there?
The travelers came from the East. The East is always to the right, and biblically, it is
the faith symbol of the presence of God. God comes from the East, from the
right, not the wrong. Regardless of circumstances, we always know where God is
coming from.
The wise men said they had observed a star that led them to
Jesus. [#6 North
Star] The idea of following a star is inconceivable to most of us. If
you are going somewhere these days, following a star is the hard way to go.
Following a star is what you may do when you are lost or running for your life.
Following a star is what you do in the dark, when your path is yet to be
revealed, when the way we should go seems to be a secret known only to God.
Today when we want to go somewhere we are more likely to use
a map, get directions from someone who has been there, or use a GPS. The wise men followed a star because they were
on a secret mission. They had
to keep their eyes on things above and not below. They were on a faith journey
and trusted the star when it shone brightly and when it was out of sight. That
is exactly what we are doing as we
journey into this New Year, seeking all the good God has prepared for us. They
believed that Jesus was about to be revealed as the anointed one, the chosen
one, the one to save God’s people from their sins. We too are expecting what is
now unknown, a revelation of salvation that is to be cherished as precious, that
needs to be respectfully guarded and protected.
Jesus was the secret yet to be revealed. He was the secret
that had to be protected. After all, what society really wants to be saved from their sins? It takes divine
intervention and power for the saved to really help the lost, for the living to
really want to help the 8000 children dying every day of hunger or lack of
clean water, for those who are safe to enter into conversation with those who
choose violence, for those who boldly face reality to pray for pornographers to
give up their crude fantasies. Jesus was a secret to be protected from a
hostile world.
When the wise men found Jesus, they worshipped him. They knew
he was the one, the light of the whole world – the light that would reveal great
good as well as evil being done under cover of darkness. They gave the gifts
they had prepared by faith.
On their trip home, God spoke to them in the secret place of
their dreams. [ # 7 verse 12…And having been warned…] Verse 12 says
they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod. So, they left for their own
country by another road.
Just as they followed the star at night, the wise men
followed God’s direction tucked away under the cover of a dream, hidden - all
to protect the precious secret revealed to all who had the faith to follow.
The journey of the wise men teaches us three ways to get to
the Messiah, the one chosen to save us from our sins. First, we must look up in the darkness. [ #8 man looking in a
grey sky ] In
those situations where there seems to be no light, God is always there showing
us the way.
Second, we must accept God’s direction without argument. [#9 man bowing before
Jesus ] God gave the wise men
directions in their sleep, when they could not move a muscle to protest.
Third, if we are going to find the only one who can save us
from our sins and the sins of others, we must worship him. The Greek word for
worship points to the culture of the day that showed their reverence by falling
on their knees and letting their foreheads touch the ground. [ #10 man bowing on ground ]
We share that ancient culture with the kneeling benches at our
The Greek word for worship points to the culture of the day [ #11 kissing pope’s hand] that showed reverence by [ #12 kissing woman’s
hand ] kissing the hand of the
revered one in the same humble manner as a dog who licks the master’s hand [ #13 dog licking hand
] or kisses the face [ #14 dog licking face ].
The wise ones worshipped the Messiah and then gave gifts. [ #15 wise men with gifts ]
Mother Theresa [ #16 Mother Theresa ]
says it’s not our gift that counts so much as it is how much love
is in the gifts we give. There is a whole lot of love in the lick
of a master’s hand.
May all our gifts be full of such love. [#17 Jesus and lamb]
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