Tuesday, July 9, 2013

WANTED = More Mercy

July 7 “WANTED:  Partners “  *Luke 10.1-11, 16-20; 2 Kings 5.1-14 [Jesus sends us in pairs to do divine work] Rev. Jacqueline Hines

Luke tells us that Jesus appointed ministers for a mission. Verse 10 of chapter 10 says “ After this…. the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go.
The question is after what? The answer is in the chapters just before the Luke scripture we are visiting this morning. There we find records of how Jesus’ ministry was financed, some parables he told and a very bad storm they went through in the area. In the chapters before the verse we are looking at today there is also a record of a very sick child, a desperate and perhaps depressed woman,  demons that were cast out, the feeding of the 5000, Jesus’ rejection, persecution and predictions of an early death in spite of all the good he did.
“After all this,” Luke tells us, Jesus appoints 70 disciples to go out into this tumultuous world – not in pursuit of fame and fortune or even comfort and happiness, but on a mission to help those in need. 70 of them were sent out.
Our US Congress has 100 senators and 435 representatives. The ancient religious council had 71 or 73 voting members. Perhaps Jesus’ choosing 70 is a symbol of a new and different authority. The even number implies no tied votes could happen, rather consensus and harmony had the upper hand. He sent them out as partners, just as we are sent. We are all ministers sent two by two like those on the ark, to create and produce new life, to save souls, to offer a helping hand.
2Jesus said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers…    He wanted them to understand as he wants us to understand that even though we are not always aware of it, and even though we do not want to hear it, there is plenty of work to do, plenty of souls that need to be saved, and plenty of sins from which they need to be saved. He wanted them to understand as he wants us to understand that there isn’t an overflow of help, so we should pray God will send help for all the labor that has to be done. We should join our voices with the heavenly chorus of saints and angels, praying and praising in waves of energy that bring power and influence. We should pray fervently until our hearts are filled to overflowing with urgency and our prayers burst forth, refreshing and healing those who need it most. We should prayerfully speak up and speak out loud the good news, energizing the atmosphere, stirring up holy moments so that help will come for God’s sake! That’s what our prayers do. They prime the spiritual pumps, calling forth deep reservoirs of holy conversation with God and with all who want truth and peace. Our prayers create good, seen and unseen, regardless of the presence of what is not so good, regardless of storms that come and wolves who devour the little lambs!  Jesus told them like he tells us; pray – pray that God will send help for all that has to be done to meet the needs that God is directing us to meet.
Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals. Everyone wants to be needed. Let them love you.  Greet no one on the road. You have a mission, and it is important to put first things first. Whatever house you enter, first say, “Peace to this house!”  If they reject God’s peace, keep it for yourself. God will deal with those who reject God. Our mission is to those who are listening. Those who accept Jesus will accept you. Who is listening to the message you have in your heart, Bethel? Who accepts the Jesus in you?
At times we think that younger people are not listening. Experts say they are listening. They especially want to hear from imperfect Christians, and in their spiritual maturity, they are not just looking for a friendly church. They are looking for friends - of all ages.
After we are baptized and the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in our hearts, we all hear the call to go into the world and spread the Good News of Jesus’ love and power to transform lives, young and old. Our lives are transformed with all the grace, love, justice, and mercy we can hold. Our life is the best sermon many will ever hear. It speaks volumes.
Who’s listening? Whom do we want to hear?  Is not our message for  ‘…the  mother with two jobs to support her children, the one who can’t stop a bad habit, the young person who struggles with self-esteem, the young couple who longs to learn the best way to build a home? Isn’t our message perfect for the worker who finds it a challenge to respect the boss, who steals from the company and from his coworkers, the partner who searches for love in dark places, for the hurting who is ready to admit he or she needs help.'
"As we work together, we naturally want to be heard by people who “have it altogether, not those who are falling apart…the up-and-ins, not the down-and-outs….we want to be heard by saints not sinners." (Jeremy Hauck)
The message we have to share on this journey brings life in places where all humans need to be revived at one time or another. There are many who long to hear our good news. We want to share it. Statistics show that most of those who come to church come because they have an invitation. They are ready to hear the stories and to see the results of God working in our lives. Like all of us, they are ready to do like the 70 that Jesus sent  -  ready to stomp on the heads of the slimy snakes and the stinging scorpions that are often a part of our journey in this life. They are ready to get their lives in order for an eternal heaven.
God wants us and needs us to go forth, working together as partners and sharing our share of Good News. We may be sent to partner with family, friends or neighbors, or we may find opportunities to share with them the good news. Whatever way the Holy Spirit reveals to us, may we return again and again with joy. Amen.

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