28, 2021
that the Kingdom Has Come” - Pastor Hines
We talk
often of how the bible is hard to understand and even harder to study. If we
can think of the bible as God’s word, we can think of the bible as needing the
same tender love and care and attention in communicating and understanding that
we have to give to our family, friends and neighbors. We want to listen
carefully to God, not casually as if God were a stranger that does not matter
at the end of the day. We may have to ask, “What did you say God?” and wait for
an answer. We may have to say, “What do you mean?” and wait for the answer. We
may find ourselves feeling a range of emotions when we talk to God and listen
to God’s word. Sometimes we are glad, but we may also feel sad or even mad.
It’s ok.
Just as we
relate to one another in stages and phases, with understanding and
misunderstanding, just as we accept one another for who we are, we also do well
to accept God and God’s word with all its clarity as well as perplexity. As we
grow in our intimacy and appreciation of one another, our love for one another
grows. It is the same in our relationship with God. We grow in our knowledge of
how God works and how God loves us more than words can say.
Jesus, as
the son of God, tells the disciples in verse 31 that the kingdom of God is
coming. Romans 14.17 tells us that the kingdom of God is three things -
righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. The kingdom or kin-dom as we
often say – is, was, and will be. It’s, at the same time, now and not yet. Time
is not cut and dry or as predictable as we may imagine. India is 11 hours ahead
of us. Our today is their yesterday. God knows. We can only wrap our mind
around so much at once. God’s kingdom was here, is here, and will be here.
Like an
ocean wave, we see coming our way a world full of righteousness, a world full
of peace, and a world full of joy! There are days that we are inundated with
God’s goodness. Then there are days that we have to look far and wide in order
to see the good we long for and we desperately need. By faith, we know a wave
of goodness is coming our way. Even though there are often waves that toss us
and challenge us in many ways, one tough wave is a reminder – a sign - that
another wave will follow and there is sure to be a blessing among them.
In verse
25 of this 25th chapter of the gospel of Luke, Jesus reminds the disciples that
the sun and the moon and the stars are not always aligned calmly, but at times
they will indicate stress and strain. The chaos of the atmosphere, like we have
seen in the last few years with increased floods, fires, and so forth, cause
many of us to be confused, fainthearted, fearful and even lose our right minds.
Meteorologists look in the atmosphere in order to be able to forecast storms,
thunder, lightning, torrential rains, hail and other daunting weather changes
that mystify us and force us to take heed and take shelter. As verse 32 says,
every generation experiences the chaos and has an opportunity to create something
good. What we know as heaven and earth will disappear like an ocean wave. It
will reappear and be recreated in time and out of time, in place and out of
place. Fortunately for us, God is our refuge no matter what happens! Jesus will
return in our lives again and again in a cloud - that is physical or spiritual.
I was
walking with Dorene one day and she noticed a fig tree. Dorene could identify
the fig tree by its leaves. She could say with confidence that there were no
figs on the tree because the season for figs was over, but like the waves of an
ocean, the season would soon return. Linda has a fig tree in her back yard and
during the summer, she shared with us the most delicious and delightful fresh
figs. I’ve never seen her tree, but I’ve eaten the figs because, as simple as
it sounds, she knew the signs that the figs had ripened. She took heed and
picked them so they could be enjoyed, which is certainly God’s intention.
God gives
every Christian signs. I hiked a trail at Innabah the other day and there were
many signs that kept me safe. They directed me to many pleasant paths and
wonders to explore and enjoy. Signs are
a good thing.
God gives
us signs regarding our health. Stamina, strength, calm, and peace of mind are
signs of health. When we see signs of distress in our children during this
pandemic, we begin to watch and pray and wait for God to guide us, for it is
likely that we have not traveled this journey before. We need signs to guide
If we see
a traffic sign, we do well to pay attention. I witnessed a man running through
a stop sign. When the ambulance came, his moaning and groaning on the gurney
suggested his injuries were not worth the risk he took. He may not have seen
that he took a risk. The other day I was coming out of Giant and I nearly drove
in front of an oncoming car because I thought he had a stop sign but the sign
was for traffic going in the opposite direction. Nevertheless, thank God for
signs. Signs are a blessing, especially when the Holy Spirit trains our
spiritual eyes to see the many signs that God gives to lead us in the right
paths, or beside still waters, and green pastures.
How have
your spiritual eyes been trained by the Holy Spirit? Do you receive insights
while praying or serving? Does reading and studying God’s word bring to mind a
greater sense of where God is guiding you?
In this
world of so much uncertainty in the weather, deception among businesses, grief
around unsettling changes, and contradictions in the health field, God gives us
signs that guide us to strength, forbearance, constant love and presence that
helps us be the church and the kin-dom we are called to be. These signs come
from the words of loved ones, a dream, a vision or whatever and however God
chooses. The most important thing to know is that there are signs, there are
indicators, there are things to see and know that only God can show you. God is
for you, not against you.
attention to the signs of the kingdom. Where do you see someone doing the right
thing and where are the good works being done? Can you identify in your life or
the life of someone you know the fruit of the spirit of joy? We need to know
the signs of joy because the joy of the Lord is what gives us physical and
emotional strength. Do you see the signs of peace anywhere in this word of woe?
Pray to God we find our way to peace. We may even have to go back to the
songwriter saying, “When there’s no peace anywhere on earth, there is peace in
Don’t miss
the signs, my friends. Listen to Jesus! May the signs be in our lives like a
neon light to brighten our paths and the paths of those who follow in our