March 12 “Born Again
in the Spirit” *John 3.1-17 Pastor Jacqueline Hines
Let me ask you a question. Are you born again?
[slide # 1 Born Again] Has anyone ever asked you if you were born again? Being born
again is associated with those Christians who look for outward signs that
someone is a Christian.
They separate people based on whether or not a
Christian can say “yes, I have been born again. I am a new creation in Christ. I
have had a supernatural experience with the Holy Spirit that makes me know that
I am saved from eternal damnation. I have had a dream, a vision, a prophecy, a
special feeling of euphoria, I speak in tongues, or one day I knew I was
changed and would never be the same.
There used to be a time when we would often
hear the words “are you born again?” Now it is pretty rare. We have grown to
appreciate that no one is more spiritually special than another, so there is no
need to broadcast our spiritual experiences as if one is more important than
Most of us agree that when someone is anxious
about someone else’s salvation to the point of trying to push the gospel down
their throat, they are trying to help the Holy Spirit, when the Holy Spirit already
knows what to do. If the Holy Spirit needs our help, the Holy Spirit will ask
us, and hopefully, we will be just as ready to follow the Spirit’s lead as we
are to do our own thing.
Being born again comes from Jesus’
conversation with Nicodemus in verse 3, where Jesus says, “You must be born
anew, born from above, born again.” [slide # 2 must be born…]
Nicodemus naturally asks in verse 5 ‘How does
one become born again? [slide# 3 How] You can’t get back into a mother’s womb and come out again? What
are you talking about Jesus?’
Jesus was talking about a fresh start.
Throughout life, we appreciate a fresh start. [slide # 4 Fresh Start] At times, we can’t wait to start over. We long
for a new beginning, a second chance. [slide # 5 second chance] Being born again is not only a fresh start, but a fresh start
with God. Being born again is an opportunity to do the right thing and reap the
substantial benefits and the holy challenges that come with being in
partnership with the Divine.
When we think about it, there are fresh starts
and new beginnings
everywhere. Every morning the sun rises and the moon sets. Our bodies
regenerate every nine months or so. Every few months we have a new liver, [slide # 6 liver] a new
heart, etc. We can’t see the new
cells of our kidneys or lungs. Our skin is our largest organ, and we can see
that old skin comes off and new
skin arrives. Cuts heal in a few days and sometimes in a few hours. [slide # 7 cut on finger]
Just like a newborn baby, [slide #8 newborn] God is doing so many new things in us and
through us. Through bible study and fellowship, we learn new ideas that encourage us to keep the faith. We find new ways to serve and support
one another. [slide # 9
bible study] The evidence is
everywhere. At Bethel we have a new
bible study on Monday mornings. They are using a new version of the bible called the Common English Bible. [slide # 10 CEB bible] We have a couple of new health and wellness events on the calendar.
We cannot even remember what the front of the
church looked like before the new
elevator was installed. The new
rest room down the hall provides accessibility to hundreds of worshipers and guests.
Our Sunday school has a new format. Dinners and breakfasts are helping us pay the new bills and bring new appliances into the kitchen.
During Lenten seasons there are new
opportunities to deepen our faith with Lenten Luncheons and Christian
Education, monthly mission opportunities and more. [Slide# 11 new]
The bible says that God’s mercies are new
EVERY morning! [slide # 12 God’s mercies…] That is why the Church is always creating and being recreated
all the time. God’s goodness and mercy follows us every day, and makes all
things new.
I especially appreciated the fact that God
provided new mercy when we
had a heavy rain the day before the Christmas bazaar. Our septic system
overflowed, but within hours – even though it was a weekend – God worked it out
so we did not have to rent port-a-potties.
We appreciated God’s new mercy when we found out one of the refrigerators went on
the fritz, just before putting 10 pounds of Kay’s famous homemade
coleslaw inside. Except for God’s mercy, the coleslaw would have been spoiled.
On good days as well as tough days, we ARE
born again, and again, and again. We are made new because God always provides a
fresh start and a new beginning. We always have something new for which to be
very, very grateful.
There may be a particular area in your
life that you want newness and freshness. Know that
whatever it is, God cares. [slide# 13 God cares] Are you expecting? Hoping for newness in life? Are you waiting for a new day to bring a blessing
in your health or the health of a loved one? Is there a longing in your heart
for a new start in a relationship? Do you need financial wisdom and an economic
breakthrough? Are you prepared for God to deliver?
This Lenten season reminds us that our
conversation with God goes two ways. We talk, God listens. God talks, we
listen. Have you shared your heart with God today? What was your attitude like
the last time you spoke with God?
What was God’s message to you the last time
you heard from God? Were you told to wait? Were you prompted to take courage
and fight? Did God give you specific instructions or remind you of what was
already in the bible?
Perhaps you thought you did not get an answer
or you got an answer that made you wonder, “Why me?” or “If only I could escape
these circumstances, to fly away and be at rest!”
Let us lean into this season of Lent. [slide # 14 Lent/cross] We are sure to hear God more clearly. We will
follow more nearly, and love God more dearly.
As we lean in, let us prime the pump with our
praise to God. Psalm 92 tells us that it is a good thing to give thanks to our
God. This week I was watching Bonanza on ME TV. The title of the show was “A
Gift of Water.” I caught the show just in time to see a band of guys on their
horses very worried about having to ride into enemy territory to get water for
their families and for their horses. [slide# 15 men on horses] One man said, “God did not mean for some to have water while
others did not.” They were prepared to fight, and the Cartwrights decided to go
with them and try to keep the peace.
But, Little Jo Cartwright [slide # 16 Little Joe] saved the day when he went to a well and
started priming the pump. [slide # 17 well water pump] He added a little water to get the pressure going and before you
know it, water was gushing out. All the men started rejoicing, slapping each
other on the back, and there was no longer any need to go and fight.
Hoss was all smiles and as Ben rode toward
home on his horse, he said to the gentlemen, “You were right. God did not mean
for some to have water and others not.”
Little Joe just poured a little water into the
pump, reminding us that when we give a little, a lot happens. When we prime the
pump with praise, God provides the refreshment we need to make it through the
hardest of circumstances. [slide # 18 refreshing]
Our praise and thanksgiving to God can bring
forth much spiritual vitality and refreshment. Praise primes the pump and we
are enveloped and embraced and inundated with floods of joy [slide # 19 floods…] and strength.
Whenever I get into my car alone, I make it a
point to spend the first several minutes of the drive to sing praise songs and
give thanks for many blessings. After just a few songs and remembering all I
have for which to be thankful, I feel energized and refreshed by the presence
of God. Sadness and fear are suddenly overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit. [slide# 20 power…] Without such moments, how would we make it?
Take full advantage of this Lenten season and
give just a little of yourself in praise and thanksgiving of yourself to God, [slide # 21 hands raised
praising…] and be prepared to discover the many blessings
gushing everywhere. Amen! [slide# 22 waterfall]